Safety training and management

Our safety concept:

Vision, values, purpose, competency, agility, team cohesion and a pioneering spirit make up the culture of excellence. An integral part of this culture, safety, is carried by leaders as a torch from vision to action. It is ingrained in all aspects of the operation. Culture leaders promote integrating safety in attitude, process and execution not as a restriction but as a contributor to excellence.

Based on this assumption we offer Leadership Safety Training to allow carrying that torch and a Safety Management Platform.:


Leadership Safety Training

Leadership safety training is a top to bottom process where leaders acquire a deep understanding of the methodology, obtain unity of purpose and create a common language enabling them to be the drivers of the culture;

1.      The methodology – safety process thinking, the complete integration of safety in the workflow planning and execution, (the removal of the Safety Commissars).

2.      Obtain unity of purpose – a combined workshop where top echelon leaders speak clearly of the intentions, promote the method and address questions and concerns from frontline leadership.

3.      Create a common language – create and disseminate a common language of safety related terminology for usage across the organization.

4.      Understanding the process of risk identification and mitigation as a part of the day to day workflow.

Safety management platform:

The safety management platform is a tool allowing to obtain, retain, manage and disseminate safety related data, protocols, lessons learned and knowledge.  As we strive to have safety a part of the daily workflow this platform is a part (rather than a standalone) of the operational platform. It both draws from and feeds into other aspects such as operation, maintenance, engineering and procurement. It handles:

  1. Risk identification, assessment, mitigation (action list), RCA progress and history.
  2. Job protocol / JHA (Job Hazard Analyses) for recurring and onetime jobs.
  3. Knowledge management - generation, collection, retention and dissemination such as (Debriefing, RCA, lesson learning).
  4. Training management - needs analyses, curriculum, recertification interval, train the trainer (program follow-up & certification) and involvement (meetings and topic database).
  5. Data collection, cross reference and analyses (operation, maintenance, engineering and procurement) and dissemination.

Feature 3

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