Seekers Strategic Solutions

Providing consulting services for mining, manufacturing and business.

Leadership * Continuous Improvement * Management * Safety

Read an article from Kellogg University - "The Military CEO"

Read an article from Kellogg University - "The Military CEO"

 Mission Statement


Will assist our clients by providing the tools and implementing a culture of  ”pushing the performance envelope”, continuous improvement, strong leadership, organizational cohesion and a solid decision making process that leads to success.  

where we come from

We are veterans of the I.D.F’s officer corps and graduates of  the Staff & Command Collage. We possess a deep understanding of military methodologies that made the I.D.F. successful and have firsthand experience of effectively implementing them under fire.  


Click to read "Army Leadership Competent, Confident, and Agile"

Click to read "Army Leadership Competent, Confident, and Agile"

where we are

We successfully transitioned to leadership roles in mining, education, business and manufacturing. We assist our clients by coaching and implementing the best of military methodologies to continuously push the performance envelope.